The Basics of Football


Football is a popular sport that is played throughout the world. It is a game that has been gaining popularity since its resurgence in the 20th century. Aside from the regular games, the Super Bowl is also held every year.

Football is a very exciting game to watch. This is because it involves players running around the field in order to score points. The goal of the game is to get the ball into the opponent’s “end zone.” When this occurs, the team receives six points.

One way to get into the end zone is to kick the ball through the goal post. Alternatively, the team can run into the end zone. Both of these methods have their advantages. In case the team does not make it to the end zone, it can attempt to score an extra point by kicking the ball through the goal post.

When a player catches the ball in the end zone, he or she scores a touchdown. This is the biggest offensive goal. Normally, the team that starts the play will be the one that kicks off. However, it can also happen that the team that did not kick off will kick off.

The playing field is 160 feet wide and there are ten-yard end zones for each team. These lines are marked with yardage markers. Each time a player advances 10 yards, the downs reset. If the offense does not gain at least 10 yards within four downs, the ball is turned over to the defensive team.