How Sports Are Organized and Defined

The term “sport” is used to describe a competitive activity. Historically, it was used to describe physical exercise and health. Modern sports, however, have different meanings. Sports were originally meant to build strength, fitness, and endurance. The aesthetic component has been replaced by a focus on the quantitative aspect of achievement. It was not until the 19th century that the word “record” appeared in the English language. Today, sports are an important part of daily life.

However, the concept of “sport participation” is ambiguous, and it depends on the observer’s perspective. For example, it is possible to define participation in sport by the role that a person plays in the game, such as a participant, coach, trainer, instructor, or spectator. Moreover, participation can be paid, voluntary, or spontaneous. In addition, the setting of a sport also determines whether it is organized. It is also possible to differentiate between sport participation and sport spectatorship by observing the type of competition being conducted.

The orchestration of emotions in sports begins with the arousal of expectations, which are then directed towards identifiable displays of emotion. Elite athletes often internalize a script crafted by their coaches, and stage setters trigger different emotions among fans during games. Moreover, these emotional processes can also help create links between sports and national identities. However, the degree to which emotions are managed is also variable among different individuals. So, a child can feel a wide range of emotions by participating in sports.