The Benefits of Sports


Aside from physical fitness, sports also promote mental health. It can be played casually, in groups or in organized competitions. It can also build relationships and provide competitive outcomes on all levels. If you’re unsure of what sports are, start by reading about the history of sport and its benefits. Here are some of the most popular sports and their benefits:

Almost every culture has a tradition of playing sports. While every culture has its own definition, most useful definitions clarify the relation between sports and play, games, and contests. Play, on the other hand, is a purposeless activity, with its own set of goals. It also helps build self-esteem. All these benefits are the reason why sports have become popular in society. In addition to physical health, sports provide a great deal of enjoyment for players and spectators alike.

Apart from being enjoyable, sports can help students study for exams. The mental benefits of sports are numerous, especially for young girls. As adolescent girls have a lower self-esteem than their male counterparts, many of them believe that their bodies are only useful if they are attractive to boys. Women’s Sports Foundation has compiled statistics on the impact of sports on young female athletes. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, participation in school athletics is associated with a 92 percent lower risk of drug abuse, an 80 percent lower risk of pregnancy, and a three-time higher chance of graduating college.

In the Renaissance, sports took on a more secular form. Czech educator John Amos Comenius advocated physical education for children. In the 15th-16th centuries, elites enjoyed dancing and geometric movements. Ballet was born in France during this time period, and ballet choreographers manipulated horses to perform graceful movements. Fencing, too, became a part of culture, with Italian and French aristocracy considering it an art form.